
(c) SAFE: Cap and Discount

1.  はじめに
YCホームページで公開されているSAFEの投資契約書の雛形のうち、(c) SAFE: Cap and Discountの解説。Valuation Cap及び割引率の両方が規定されている。

(b)SAFE: Discount, no Capの解説で記載したとおり、(a)と(b)を比較した場合、次ラウンドのpre-money valuationがValuation Cap以下、又はValuation Capを少ししか上回らない場合には、投資家としては、常に一定の割引率が適用される(b)の方が得。
他方、pre-money valuationがValuation Capを大幅に上回る場合には、投資家としては、pre-money valuationの金額に関わらず一定数の株式を取得できる(ダイリューションしない)(a)の方が得。
(c)は、(a)(Valuation Cap)、(b)(割引率)双方の場合の1株あたり価格を計算し、より安い方が適用されるというもの。投資家にとっては有利な(a)(b)両者のいいとこどりの形となる。
(a) SAFE: Cap, no Discountからの主要な変更点は、具体的には以下のとおり。
  • Equity Financingに基づく株式発行の1株あたり価格:Valuation Capを適用した場合(Safe Price)又はDiscount Rateを適用した場合(Discount Price)のいずれか低い方の価格。
  • 上記以外の点は(a) SAFE: Cap, no Discountとほぼ同様。

2. 投資契約書雛形解説(詳細)
長文となっているが、(a) SAFE: Cap, no Discountからの変更点のみ把握されたい方は、変更部分(赤字)参照。

SAFE: Discount, no Cap
(Simple Agreement for Future Equity)
THIS CERTIFIES THAT in exchange for the payment by [Investor Name] (the “Investor”) of $[_____________] (the “Purchase Amount”) on or about [Date of Safe], [Company Name], a [State of Incorporation] corporation (the “Company”), hereby issues to the Investor the right to certain shares of the Company’s capital stock, subject to the terms set forth below.Investorによる$[ ](Purchase Amount)の振込と引き換えに、CompanyはInvestorに対して、当社の株式に対する以下の権利を与える。
The “Valuation Cap” is $[_____________].
The “Discount Rate” is [100 minus the discount]%. 
See Section 2 for certain additional defined terms.
Valuation Capは$[  ]とする。
Discount Rateは[100-割引率]%とする。
詳細はSection 2参照。
1. Events
(a) Equity Financing次ラウンドの資金調達が行われる場合
If there is an Equity Financing before the expiration or termination of this instrument, the Company will automatically issue to the Investor either: (1) a number of shares of Standard Preferred Stock equal to the Purchase Amount divided by the price per share of the Standard Preferred Stock, if the pre-money valuation is less than or equal to the Valuation Cap; or (2) a number of shares of Safe Preferred Stock equal to the Purchase Amount divided by the SafeConversion Price, if the pre-money valuation is greater than the Valuation Cap.このSAFEの失効・終了前にEquity Financingが起こった場合には、当社はInvestorに対して、以下のいずれかを発行する。
(1) pre-money valuationがValuation Capと同額以下である場合:以下の数のStandard Preferred Stock
Purchase Amount÷Standard Preferred Stockの1株あたり価格
(2) pre-money valuationがValuation Capよりも高い場合:以下の数のSafe Preferred Stockを発行する。
Purchase Amount÷SafeConversion Price
①1株あたり価格(Conversion Price):(1)Valuation Capを適用した場合(Safe Price)又は(2)Discount Rateを適用した場合(Discount Price)のいずれか低い方の価格。
(1)Safe Price:
Valuation Cap÷Company Capitalizationにより得られる1株あたり価格
→(a)Cap, no Discountにおける、pre-money valuationがValuation Capを上回った場合の1株あたり価格と同様。(なお、pre-money valuationがValuation Cap以下の場合は(2)の方が低くなるので(2)を用いることとなる。)
(2)Discount Price:
Equity FinancingにおけるStandard Preferred Stock1株あたり価格×Discount Rate(割引率)
→(b)Discount, no Capにおける1株あたり価格と同様。
②権利内容(なお、(a)SAFE_Cap, no Discountとほぼ同様):基本的には次ラウンド投資家と同様の内容だが、liquidation preferenceについてはSAFEへの投資金額を基準に計算される。次ラウンドでの株式価格を基準にすると、SAFEへの投資額以上を回収できることとなり不当に有利になってしまうため。
なお、株価ベースのanti-dilution,配当受領権の場合も、Conversion Price(①)を基準に計算される。
In connection with the issuance of Standard Preferred Stock or Safe Preferred Stock, as applicable, by the Company to the Investor pursuant to this Section 1(a):上記1(a)に基づくStandard Preferred Stock又はSafe Preferred Stockの発行に関しては、
(i) The Investor will execute and deliver to the Company all transaction documents related to the Equity Financing; provided, that such documents are the same documents to be entered into with the purchasers of Standard Preferred Stock, with appropriate variations for the Safe Preferred Stock if applicable, and provided further, that such documents have customary exceptions to any drag-along applicable to the Investor, including, without limitation, limited representations and warranties and limited liability and indemnification obligations on the part of the Investor; and(i) InvestorはEquity Financingに関する全ての取引書類を締結・当社に交付する。
①Standard Preferred Stockへの他の投資家が締結するものと同様のものであり(Safe Preferred Stockの場合は適切なvariationは可能)、
(ii) The Investor and the Company will execute a Pro Rata Rights Agreement, unless the Investor is already included in such rights in the transaction documents related to the Equity Financing.(ii) Investorと当社は、Pro Rata Rights Agreementを締結する(但しEquity Financingに関する取引書類でInvestorが既に当該権利を与えられている場合を除く)
会社側がこれを与えたくない場合には、左記条項の削除が必要。又は、Pro Rata Rights Agreementの定義を修正し限定をかけることも考えられる(例:一定金額以上を投資した投資家に限り権利を与える等)。
(b) Liquidity EventChange of Control(過半数の株式譲渡、合併等による支配権の移動)又はIPOの場合
If there is a Liquidity Event before the expiration or termination of this instrument, the Investor will, at its option, either (i) receive a cash payment equal to the Purchase Amount (subject to the following paragraph) or (ii) automatically receive from the Company a number of shares of Common Stock equal to the Purchase Amount divided by the Liquidity Price, if the Investor fails to select the cash option.このSAFEの失効・終了前にLiquidity Eventが起こった場合には、Investorは、以下のいずれかを選択できる。
(i) Purchase Amountと同額のcashの支払を受ける
(ii) Investorが(i)のcashのオプションを選択しなかった場合、当社から自動的に以下の数のCommon Stockを受領する。
Purchase Amount÷Liquidity Price
1株あたり価格(Liquidity Price):
Liquidity Event時点における普通株式の公正市場価格(かかるLiquidity Eventに関連して支払われる取得価格を基準に判断される)× Discount Rate
なお、Valuation Capが存在しないため、(a)SAFE_Cap, no DiscountにおけるLiquidity Price(Valuation Cap÷Liquidity Capitalization(Liquidity Event直前における完全希釈化ベースでの全株式数))とは異なり、Liquidity Event時点の公正市場価格×割引率で計算。
In connection with Section (b)(i), the Purchase Amount will be due and payable by the Company to the Investor immediately prior to, or concurrent with, the consummation of the Liquidity Event. If there are not enough funds to pay the Investor and holders of other Safes (collectively, the “Cash-Out Investors”) in full, then all of the Company’s available funds will be distributed with equal priority and pro rata among the Cash-Out Investors in proportion to their Purchase Amounts, and the Cash-Out Investors will automatically receive the number of shares of Common Stock equal to the remaining unpaid Purchase Amount divided by the Liquidity Price. In connection with a Change of Control intended to qualify as a tax-free reorganization, the Company may reduce, pro rata, the Purchase Amounts payable to the Cash-Out Investors by the amount determined by its board of directors in good faith to be advisable for such Change of Control to qualify as a tax-free reorganization for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and in such case, the Cash-Out Investors will automatically receive the number of shares of Common Stock equal to the remaining unpaid Purchase Amount divided by the Liquidity Price.上記(b)(i)の場合、当社はInvestorに対して、Liquidity Eventの直前又は同時にPurchase Amountを支払う。
Investor及び他のSAFEの投資家(Cash-Out Investors)全員に対して全額支払う十分な資金がない場合には、
①Cash-Out Investorsに対し、当社の全資金をPurchase Amountに応じたプロラタ、同順位で分配し、その後、
②Cash-Out Investorsは以下の数の当社のCommon Stockを自動的に受領する。
Purchase Amountの未払い分÷Liquidity Price
税制適格組織再編となるChange of Controlに関しては、当社は、Cash-Out Investorsに対して支払うPurchase Amountsからプロラタで、かかる税制適格組織再編となるChange of ControlによるUS連邦所得税の観点から取締役会が誠実に定めた金額を差し引くことができる。かかる場合には、Cash-Out Investorsは、以下の数の当社のCommon Stockを自動的に受領する。
Purchase Amountの未払い分÷Liquidity Price
(c) Dissolution Event会社の解散・清算・事業の終了の場合
(Equity Financing, Liquidity Eventの前に会社を終了することとなってしまった場合)
If there is a Dissolution Event before this instrument expires or terminates, the Company will pay an amount equal to the Purchase Amount, due and payable to the Investor immediately prior to, or concurrent with, the consummation of the Dissolution Event. The Purchase Amount will be paid prior and in preference to any Distribution of any of the assets of the Company to holders of outstanding Capital Stock by reason of their ownership thereof. If immediately prior to the consummation of the Dissolution Event, the assets of the Company legally available for distribution to the Investor and all holders of all other Safes (the “Dissolving Investors”), as determined in good faith by the Company’s board of directors, are insufficient to permit the payment to the Dissolving Investors of their respective Purchase Amounts, then the entire assets of the Company legally available for distribution will be distributed with equal priority and pro rata among the Dissolving Investors in proportion to the Purchase Amounts they would otherwise be entitled to receive pursuant to this Section 1(c).このSAFEが終了又は失効する前にDissolution Eventが発生した場合には、当社は、Dissolution Eventと同時又はその直前に、Purchase AmountをInvestorに対して支払うものとする。
Investorに対するPurchase Amountの支払は、株主・潜在株主に対する財産の分配よりも優先。
分配可能な会社資産がPurchase Amounts全額の支払いに満たない場合:SAFE保有者に対し、同順位・投資額に応じたプロラタで会社資産を分配する。
SAFE投資家は、株主よりも優先して残余財産の分配を受ける(debt holderと同様)。
(d) Termination.SAFEの終了。
This instrument will expire and terminate (without relieving the Company of any obligations arising from a prior breach of or non-compliance with this instrument) upon either (i) the issuance of stock to the Investor pursuant to Section 1(a) or Section 1(b)(ii); or (ii) the payment, or setting aside for payment, of amounts due the Investor pursuant to Section 1(b)(i) or Section 1(c).以下のいずれかの場合に失効・終了する。
①Equity Financing又はLiquidity Event(ii)による株式発行
②Liquidity Event(i)又はDissolution Eventによる支払
Equity Financing、Liquidity Event(Change of Control 又はIPO)又はDissolution Event(解散等)のうち、一番先に起こったものによる株式発行又は支払の時点で終了する。これらのイベントが起こらない限りは終了せず、一般的なdebtのような返済期限はない(会社としては返済や延長合意の必要がなく便宜)。
2. Definitions定義
“Capital Stock” means the capital stock of the Company, including, without limitation, the “Common Stock” and the “Preferred Stock.”普通株式、優先株式を含む、当社の全ての株式。
“Change of Control” means (i) a transaction or series of related transactions in which any “person” or “group” (within the meaning of Section 13(d) and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended), becomes the “beneficial owner” (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended), directly or indirectly, of more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities of the Company having the right to vote for the election of members of the Company’s board of directors, (ii) any reorganization, merger or consolidation of the Company, other than a transaction or series of related transactions in which the holders of the voting securities of the Company outstanding immediately prior to such transaction or series of related transactions retain, immediately after such transaction or series of related transactions, at least a majority of the total voting power represented by the outstanding voting securities of the Company or such other surviving or resulting entity or (iii) a sale, lease or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company.①第三者が直接・間接に当社の50%超の議決権(当社の取締役会のメンバーの選任権があるもの)を取得することとなる取引
“Company Capitalization” means the sum, as of immediately prior to the Equity Financing, of: (1) all shares of Capital Stock (on an as-converted basis) issued and outstanding, assuming exercise or conversion of all outstanding vested and unvested options, warrants and other convertible securities, but excluding (A) this instrument, (B) all other Safes, and (C) convertible promissory notes; and (2) all shares of Common Stock reserved and available for future grant under any equity incentive or similar plan of the Company, and/or any equity incentive or similar plan to be created or increased in connection with the Equity Financing.Equity Financing直前の、①−②+③の数
①+全ての株式(完全希釈化ベース、stock option等についてはvest済・未了のものを含み全て行使・転換されたことを想定)
②−SAFE及びconvertible promissory notes
③既存の、又はEquiy Financingに伴い導入・増加される、将来のequity incentive plan等のために発行枠が確保された株式
"Conversion Price" means the either: (1) the Safe Price or (2) the Discount Price, whichever calculation results in a greater number of shares of Safe Preferred Stock.

"Discount Price" means the price per share of the Standard Preferred Stock sold in the Equity Financing multiplied by the Discount Rate.

(1)Safe Price又は(2)Discount Priceのうち、Safe Preferred Stockの数がより大きくなるもの。

Equity FinancingにおけるStandard Preferred Stock1株あたり価格×Discount Rate(割引率)
“Distribution” means the transfer to holders of Capital Stock by reason of their ownership thereof of cash or other property without consideration whether by way of dividend or otherwise, other than dividends on Common Stock payable in Common Stock, or the purchase or redemption of Capital Stock by the Company or its subsidiaries for cash or property other than: (i) repurchases of Common Stock held by employees, officers, directors or consultants of the Company or its subsidiaries pursuant to an agreement providing, as applicable, a right of first refusal or a right to repurchase shares upon termination of such service provider’s employment or services; or (ii) repurchases of Capital Stock in connection with the settlement of disputes with any stockholder.株主に対する、株式保有を理由とする、無対価での現金等の資産の移転(以下を含む)
“Dissolution Event” means (i) a voluntary termination of operations, (ii) a general assignment for the benefit of the Company’s creditors or (iii) any other liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company (excluding a Liquidity Event), whether voluntary or involuntary.自発的か否かを問わず、会社の解散・清算・事業の終了(但し、Liquidity Eventを除く)
“Equity Financing” means a bona fide transaction or series of transactions with the principal purpose of raising capital, pursuant to which the Company issues and sells Preferred Stock at a fixed pre-money valuation.資金調達を目的とした取引で、当社が固定のpre-mooney valuationで優先株式を発行する取引
“Initial Public Offering” means the closing of the Company’s first firm commitment underwritten initial public offering of Common Stock pursuant to a registration statement filed under the Securities Act.IPO
“Liquidity Capitalization” means the number, as of immediately prior to the Liquidity Event, of shares of Capital Stock (on an as-converted basis) outstanding, assuming exercise or conversion of all outstanding vested and unvested options, warrants and other convertible securities, but excluding: (i) shares of Common Stock reserved and available for future grant under any equity incentive or similar plan; (ii) this instrument; (iii) other Safes; and (iv) convertible promissory notes.Liquidity Event直前の、①−②−③の数
①+全ての株式(完全希釈化ベース、stock option等についてはvest済・未了のものを含み全て行使・転換されたことを想定)
②−既存の、又はEquiy Financingに伴い導入・増加される、将来のequity incentive plan等のために発行枠が確保された株式
③−SAFE及びconvertible promissory notes
“Liquidity Event” means a Change of Control or an Initial Public Offering.Change of Control(上記参照)又はIPO
“Liquidity Price” means the price per share equal to the Valuation Cap divided by the Liquidity Capitalization.Valuation Cap÷Liquidity Capitalizationにより得られる1株あたり価格
“Pro Rata Rights Agreement” means a written agreement between the Company and the Investor (and holders of other Safes, as appropriate) giving the Investor a right to purchase its pro rata share of private placements of securities by the Company occurring after the Equity Financing, subject to customary exceptions. Pro rata for purposes of the Pro Rata Rights Agreement will be calculated based on the ratio of (1) the number of shares of Capital Stock owned by the Investor immediately prior to the issuance of the securities to (2) the total number of shares of outstanding Capital Stock on a fully diluted basis, calculated as of immediately prior to the issuance of the securities.当社とInvestor(及び他のSAFEの保有者)の間の契約であって、Investorに対し、Equity Financingの後に起こる当社の証券の私募においてプロラタで購入する権利(但し、典型的な例外を含む)を付与する旨の契約。
“Safe” means an instrument containing a future right to shares of Capital Stock, similar in form and content to this instrument, purchased by investors for the purpose of funding the Company’s business operations.株式に関する将来の権利を含む法律文書であって、形式・内容において本書と類似しており、当社の事業運営の資金調達の目的で投資家が購入するもの。
“Safe Preferred Stock” means the shares of a series of Preferred Stock issued to the Investor in an Equity Financing, having the identical rights, privileges, preferences and restrictions as the shares of Standard Preferred Stock, other than with respect to: (i) the per share liquidation preference and the conversion price for purposes of price-based anti-dilution protection, which will equal the SafeConversion Price; and (ii) the basis for any dividend rights, which will be based on the SafeConversion Price.Equity FinancingにおいてInvestorに発行される優先株式であって、以下の点を除き、Standard Preferred Stockと同様の権利、優先権、制限等を有するもの。
①株式あたりのliquidation preference及び価格に基づく希釈化防止目的での転換価格(これはSafeConversion Priceと同額とする)
②配当受領権利の基準(SafeConversion Priceを基準とする)
“Safe Price” means the price per share equal to the Valuation Cap divided by the Company Capitalization.Valuation Cap÷Company Capitalizationにより得られる1株あたり価格
“Standard Preferred Stock” means the shares of a series of Preferred Stock issued to the investors investing new money in the Company in connection with the initial closing of the Equity Financing.Equity Financingの初回クロージングに関連して、当社に新規に投資する投資家に対して発行される一連の優先株式
3. Company Representations当社の表明保証
(a) The Company is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the state of its incorporation, and has the power and authority to own, lease and operate its properties and carry on its business as now conducted.当社は設立準拠法に基づき適法に設立され、有効に存続しており、その資産を所有、リース、運用し現在の事業を運営する能力及び権限を有する。
(b) The execution, delivery and performance by the Company of this instrument is within the power of the Company and, other than with respect to the actions to be taken when equity is to be issued to the Investor, has been duly authorized by all necessary actions on the part of the Company. This instrument constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms, except as limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other laws of general application relating to or affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally and general principles of equity. To the knowledge of the Company, it is not in violation of (i) its current certificate of incorporation or bylaws, (ii) any material statute, rule or regulation applicable to the Company or (iii) any material indenture or contract to which the Company is a party or by which it is bound, where, in each case, such violation or default, individually, or together with all such violations or defaults, could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the Company.当社による本文書の締結及び履行は当社の能力の範囲内であり、Investorに対して株式を発行する場合を除き、当社側で必要な行為は適法に承認されている。本文書は当社の適法・有効かつ法的拘束力のある義務を構成するものであり、その内容に従い当社に対する強制執行が可能である(破産等の場合の法令による制限を除く)。
(c) The performance and consummation of the transactions contemplated by this instrument do not and will not: (i) violate any material judgment, statute, rule or regulation applicable to the Company; (ii) result in the acceleration of any material indenture or contract to which the Company is a party or by which it is bound; or (iii) result in the creation or imposition of any lien upon any property, asset or revenue of the Company or the suspension, forfeiture, or nonrenewal of any material permit, license or authorization applicable to the Company, its business or operations.本文書により予定される取引の実行は、①当社に適用される法的判断、法令等の違反とはならず、②当社が当事者となる又は当社が拘束される重要な負債や契約の期限の利益喪失を招くものではなく、③当社の財産、収入等への担保の設定、当社の重要な許認可等の停止・失効・不更新等をもたらすものではない。
(d) No consents or approvals are required in connection with the performance of this instrument, other than: (i) the Company’s corporate approvals; (ii) any qualifications or filings under applicable securities laws; and (iii) necessary corporate approvals for the authorization of Capital Stock issuable pursuant to Section 1.以下を除き、本文書の履行にあたり同意・承認等が要求されるものではない。
①当社の社内承認、②適用ある証券法に基づく承認・ファイリング、③Section 1に基づき発行する株式の承認に必要な社内承認
(e) To its knowledge, the Company owns or possesses (or can obtain on commercially reasonable terms) sufficient legal rights to all patents, trademarks, service marks, trade names, copyrights, trade secrets, licenses, information, processes and other intellectual property rights necessary for its business as now conducted and as currently proposed to be conducted, without any conflict with, or infringement of the rights of, others.当社の知る限り、当社は、現在営まれている又は将来営むことが予定されている当社の事業に必要な全ての知的財産権(特許、商標、サービスマーク、トレードネーム、著作権、企業秘密、ライセンス、情報等)を、他社との紛争・権利侵害等なく、所有又は保有している(又は商業的に合理的な条件で取得可能)。
4. Investor RepresentationsInvestorの表明保証
(a) The Investor has full legal capacity, power and authority to execute and deliver this instrument and to perform its obligations hereunder. This instrument constitutes valid and binding obligation of the Investor, enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other laws of general application relating to or affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally and general principles of equity.Investorは本文書を締結し、これに基づく義務を履行する完全な権利能力、権限を有する。本文書はInvestorの適法・有効かつ法的拘束力のある義務を構成するものであり、その内容に従いInvestorに対する強制執行が可能である(破産等の場合の法令による制限を除く)。
(b) The Investor is an accredited investor as such term is defined in Rule 501 of Regulation D under the Securities Act. The Investor has been advised that this instrument and the underlying securities have not been registered under the Securities Act, or any state securities laws and, therefore, cannot be resold unless they are registered under the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or unless an exemption from such registration requirements is available. The Investor is purchasing this instrument and the securities to be acquired by the Investor hereunder for its own account for investment, not as a nominee or agent, and not with a view to, or for resale in connection with, the distribution thereof, and the Investor has no present intention of selling, granting any participation in, or otherwise distributing the same. The Investor has such knowledge and experience in financial and business matters that the Investor is capable of evaluating the merits and risks of such investment, is able to incur a complete loss of such investment without impairing the Investor’s financial condition and is able to bear the economic risk of such investment for an indefinite period of time.Investorは証券法のRule 501 Regulation Dに定められる適格投資家である。Investorは、本文書及びこれに基づく証券は証券法等に基づく登録をされておらず、証券法及び適用州法に基づく登録又は免除がされない限り再譲渡ができないことを認識している。Investorは、本文書及びこれに基づく証券を自己の投資勘定にて取得しており、第三者の指名者又は代理人として、又は再譲渡や分配の目的で取得するものではなく、現在において譲渡、参加権付与、分配等の意図を有するものではない。Investorは金融及びビジネスにおける知識及び経験を有しており、この投資のメリット及びリスクを評価することが可能であり、Investorの財務状況を損なうことなくこの投資における損失を甘受することが可能であり、期限の定めなくこの投資の経済的リスクを負うことが可能である。

個人投資家が適格投資家(accredited investor)となる要件:①、②又は③(参考リンクは後記)
③発行会社の取締役、執行役員(executive officer)若しくはジェネラル・パートナー、又は発行会社のジェネラル・パートナーの取締役、執行役員若しくはジェネラル・パートナー

5. Miscellaneous雑則
(a) Any provision of this instrument may be amended, waived or modified only upon the written consent of the Company and the Investor.本文書の変更、放棄、修正等は当社とInvestorの書面同意がある場合にのみ行われる。
(b) Any notice required or permitted by this instrument will be deemed sufficient when delivered personally or by overnight courier or sent by email to the relevant address listed on the signature page, or 48 hours after being deposited in the U.S. mail as certified or registered mail with postage prepaid, addressed to the party to be notified at such party’s address listed on the signature page, as subsequently modified by written notice.本文書に基づく通知は以下の方法により行う。
(c) The Investor is not entitled, as a holder of this instrument, to vote or receive dividends or be deemed the holder of Capital Stock for any purpose, nor will anything contained herein be construed to confer on the Investor, as such, any of the rights of a stockholder of the Company or any right to vote for the election of directors or upon any matter submitted to stockholders at any meeting thereof, or to give or withhold consent to any corporate action or to receive notice of meetings, or to receive subscription rights or otherwise until shares have been issued upon the terms described herein.Investorは、本文書記載の条件に基づき株式の発行を受けるまで、当社の株式についてのいかなる権利も有するものではない。
(d) Neither this instrument nor the rights contained herein may be assigned, by operation of law or otherwise, by either party without the prior written consent of the other; provided, however, that this instrument and/or the rights contained herein may be assigned without the Company’s consent by the Investor to any other entity who directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the Investor, including, without limitation, any general partner, managing member, officer or director of the Investor, or any venture capital fund now or hereafter existing which is controlled by one or more general partners or managing members of, or shares the same management company with, the Investor; and provided, further, that the Company may assign this instrument in whole, without the consent of the Investor, in connection with a reincorporation to change the Company’s domicile.本文書及びこれに基づく権利は、相手方当事者の書面による事前同意なしに譲渡不可。但し、以下の場合を除く。
(e) In the event any one or more of the provisions of this instrument is for any reason held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, in whole or in part or in any respect, or in the event that any one or more of the provisions of this instrument operate or would prospectively operate to invalidate this instrument, then and in any such event, such provision(s) only will be deemed null and void and will not affect any other provision of this instrument and the remaining provisions of this instrument will remain operative and in full force and effect and will not be affected, prejudiced, or disturbed thereby.本文書におけるある条項が無効と判断される場合であっても、当該条項のみが無効とされ他の条項には影響を与えない。
(f) All rights and obligations hereunder will be governed by the laws of the State of [Governing Law Jurisdiction], without regard to the conflicts of law provisions of such jurisdiction.準拠法は[ ]州法とする。


3. まとめ
上記のとおり、投資家にとっては有利な(a)(b)両者のいいとこどりの形となる。もちろん、Valuation Capの金額、割引率の具体的な数値は最も重要な交渉ポイントとなる。